Friday, November 28, 2014

MOUNTAIN PASS, 5 A.M. (Fifth/final draft)

Where is the last edge
Of darkness and where
Does the light hide in the morning
Before it peeks out from the
Ridiculous clouds?
Silly me, he thinks. Is this
What transition means?
He watches the moon set over
The hills as he walks,
Sees the sun rising in the east.
It is not yet day, so
He strolls on
Tongue-tied and lost,
Giving most of his attention
To the slight, invisible sounds
And the purple,
Lengthening shade.

MOUNTAIN PASS, 5 A.M. (Third draft)

Where is the last edge
of darkness and where
does the light hide in the morning
before it peeks out from the
ridiculous clouds.
Look at me,he thinks.
This is what transition means: 
He sees the moon setting over
the hills as he walks,
the sun about
to rise in the east.
It is not yet day, so
He strolls on
(tongue-tied and lost),
paying attention mostly
to the slight, invisible sounds
and to the purple,
lengthening shadows

MOUNTAIN PASS, 5 A.M. (First draft/one instant fix)

This is the transition:
Where is the last edge
of the darkness
and where does the light
of morning hide
before it decides
to peek out from the
lethargic clouds. Look at me,
he thinks. It is not yet
day.  He sees the moon
setting over the hills
as he walks,
the sun about 
to rise in the east.
He strolls on tongue-tied and mute,    
paying attention mostly
to the small sounds and the
lengthy shadows.

Thursday, November 27, 2014


the gap-toothed

girl sits by

the great lake, 

her sweatered arms

hugging herself

against the cold.


I envision the two

of us 

beneath the moon

and stars, the sun

and rain, even in

the driving now,

and we are looking

out across the water,

laughing our fool

asses off, the two

of us 

skipping stone after

stone, one for 

the luck of just being 

there and

one for each 

of our 

dying dreams.


In the beginning

a man and a woman

have a snack

and think, "oh, god,

what have we done?"

and their sons invent


while Abraham's hand

wavers over Isaac,

moses juggles two

tablets as he

climbs down from

the mount,

and Noah counts

the tortoises

on the Lido deck.

Joseph wears

a multi-colored 

coat that ends

up Off-Broadway

while Samson gets

his haircut by

a vixen. Solomon

is wise, Job has it

bad, and David

is king, although he

does some naughty

things to get there.

In the second act,

there is a star

and a virgin

and a confused carpenter

and John the Baptist's


on a platter

but before that,

there is a humble

man who speaks of peace

and gives the world

his outstretched

arms, the very ones 

they took and nailed

to a hateful, wooden world.


this is as close
as I've ever been to freedom
the word on
the page that liberates me
soothes my confusion
offers a remedy to the madness
keeps me off the streets
holds my hand when I'm about to sob
and rubs my tired temples
after a long day's work
and tells me, "there, there,
honey, it'll be all right."

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


And if a strawberry in the snow

was a gift between us

it might mean we'd answered

our own questions, discovered

an infinity, and found

the red-throated sustenance 

we've searched so 

long for. Watch now, 

as I hold the crimson fruit 

at the wet edges of our lips

and see how it sings

against the whiteness of 

another pure-hearted winter.